Defense Verdict: Maricopa County, Arizona (Medical Malpractice)
Phoenix Partner, Bruce Crawford, obtained a defense verdict in a medical malpractice case in Maricopa County, Arizona last week.
Plaintiff in this case was a 24 year old Division 1 collegiate 800 distance runner. He claimed that our client, a foot and ankle physician, improperly treated him with cortisone injections, causing fat pad atrophy of his left plantar foot, and resulting in such significant pain that it ended his running career. Plaintiff is now in the Army, on his way to becoming a Family Practice physician. He claimed that the disability with his foot will impair his future ability to practice as a physician full time.
Plaintiff’s counsel, a JD/MD, asked the jury to award $2 million in future lost income and $3 million in compensatory damages, for a total award of $5 million. The jury returned a unanimous defense verdict (10-0) after several hours of deliberation.
Congratulations to Bruce and his team on this excellent result!